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PD(or pupillary distance) is the distance between your pupils in millimeter. Your PD is very important for accurately fitting your lenses to achieve vision acurity. In general, this number will be provided on your prescription after the eye exam; if not, you can also get it measured at home. All you need is a friend or a mirror and a ruler.
Printable PD ruler
Print this page on A4 (without scaling, at 100%. ) Use PD ruler at the bottom of the page.Recommend to use a physical PD ruler or consult your ophthalmologist.
Download vooglam’s PD ruler
Note: Please Printed on A4.
Step 1: Stand with a friend facing you, look straight ahead and place the Vooglam ruler on the bridge of your nose.
Step 2: Close your left eye and let your friend align the 0 mm over the center of your right pupil.
Step 3: Close your right eye and open the left, then let your friend note the reading directly over your left pupil. That will be your PD.
Step 4: For measuring a PD with high accuracy, please do it 3 times and take an average number of them as the final PD measurement.
1. The average PD is between 54mm and 78mm.
Always enter your "Far PD" for distance vision eyeglasses and enter your "Near PD" for your reading glasses only. For most people, the difference between Far PD and Near PD is about 2-3mm.